Friday, April 29, 2022

Upcoming Field Trips (2) and Stay Safe =;)

Good afternoon everyone,

Thank you for all your effort his past week as many of us have been a bit ill.  I appreciate all your patience and in working well with each other - much like we did today during our Grade 2 Fairness Assembly practice.  Please take some time this weekend to sing your Fairness Song and O'Canada for our Assembly this Monday, May 2nd.


1) LEIGHTON ART CENTRE - Tuesday, May 24th - all day Field Trip

    4 Parent Volunteers needed 

2) TEACHER'S PET - Science (Boats and Buoyancy) - Thursday, May 26th at 9:00am - 11:00am in our classroom at school/Room 19

    4 Parent Volunteers needed  

Thank you for taking the time to share what you are learning at school with your family.  We greatly appreciate all your effort and please remember to keep working on your RazKids and Mathletics at home.  Have fun and see you next week =;)

Mr. Engel