Friday, May 27, 2022

Week of May 23 - 27, 2022

EXCELLENT WEEK, Grade 2 Students and Parent Volunteers!

I hope everyone had a fun-filled learning week as we took part in some very exciting activities to help support our learning.  The class and I would like to send a great BIG, "Thank You" to our amazing Parent Volunteers during both of our Field Trips this week (Leighton Center and Teacher's Pet).  The students thoroughly enjoyed having you learn with us and thank you for keeping the students engaged and safe!  You ROCK! =;)

Below are some pictures for the activities this week.  Please share what you learned during these with your family and see if you can teach them something new as well.  Thank you for ALL the amazing EFFORT and CONNECTIONS you made during your work - remember to ask "WHY?" so you can really understand what topic you are working with.  This relates back to our classroom friend, WALT (We Are Learning To...).

Leighton Center - Art and Social Studies:

Teacher's Pet - Boats and Buoyancy:


Mr. Engel

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Leighton Center Field Trip - Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - All-day

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your long weekend and great work this past week on your assignments and in working together as a COMMUNITY!  Please make sure you are prepared properly for a full day of Field Trip to the Leighton Center on Tuesday - it could be a bit rainy that day but please check in the morning before heading to school.  We also wanted to thank all the Parent Volunteers who have offered their time to come learn with us - THANK YOU for your time and effort =;)

Below are some pictures of some of the work we did this past week.  Please take some time to share with your family:

Science - Boats and Buoyancy - see if you can explain the experiment we did together and if you can remember which fruit can float/sink and why (WALT)?

Keeping our environment clean - community building/teamwork:

Goal Setting - working on our Math (Mad Minute Goals) and Graphing our results:

Enjoy your weekend and thank you for ALL the hard work you are doing - keep it up, Grade 2s! =;)

Mr. Engel

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Week of May 9 - 13, 2022

Good morning everyone,

Thank you for all the work you have done this past week!  We also wanted to say, "Thank You" to all the parents who have offered their time for our upcoming Field Trips:  Leighton Center (Tue., May 24th) and Teacher's Pet (Thurs., May 26th) - we greatly appreciate your time and effort, thank you =;)

This past week we enjoyed a very exciting PE program - Australian Football.  Students were learning how to pass the ball correctly, run with the ball, and in how to play this very fun game.  Learning how others play and how other cultures use entertainment, is part of our Social Studies program as well.  Enjoy sharing the pictures below with your family:

Social Studies and Technology Research - creating a Venn Diagram comparing/contrasting Calgary and 1 of our 3 Communities:

Science - Boats and Buoyancy/Liquids - discovering real-life examples:

Thank you for all your hard work and keep trying your best - WE CAN DO IT!

Mr. Engel

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy Mother's Day!

Good morning students, families, and Mums! 

I hope everyone continues to stay safe and healthy especially on a day like today - Mother's Day!  We hope all the mums enjoy their wonderful day in celebrating just how SPECIAL you are to all of us!  Thank you for always helping, loving, and caring for us!  As a class, we created a couple fun items for you to show you just how much we care about you - enjoy and have a wonderful MOTHER'S DAY

FIELD TRIPS - we have 2 Field Trips coming up and would love to have you come explore and learn with us!  Spaces are beginning to fill up and please let me know if you are interested - we would love to have you join us, thank you in advance.  

1) Leighton Center - all day field trip

2) Teacher's Pet - at school field trip 

HOMEWORK - please make sure you go over your child's homework.  This past week we had almost half the class missing assignments and not having them corrected.  If you need help in doing this, please email me and I can help you.  Encouraging our students to work at home (like we do at school), helps strengthen what we have done at school.  The Homework assignments are a review of what we have worked on so each student should be aware of the work and what is being asked of them.  Please make sure you support your child and encourage them so they can improve in these skills.  Thank you for your help and in helping your child's learning  =;)

Below are some pictures of some of the work we have done and the FAIRNESS Grade 2 Assembly from this past week.  Our students did a FANTASTIC job in singing and showing their views on what FAIRNESS includes - relating their learning through literature ("New Shoes" book).  Great work and I am VERY PROUD of your effort and dedication, Grade 2 students!  Keep it up =;)

Social Studies - Venn Diagram - Calgary and 3 Communities:

Fairness Assembly and Artwork:

Enjoy your weekend and THANK YOU to all the families who continue to review their child's Homework and in supporting our Field Trips, thank you!  =;)

Stay safe and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY,

Mr. Engel