Sunday, May 22, 2022

Leighton Center Field Trip - Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - All-day

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your long weekend and great work this past week on your assignments and in working together as a COMMUNITY!  Please make sure you are prepared properly for a full day of Field Trip to the Leighton Center on Tuesday - it could be a bit rainy that day but please check in the morning before heading to school.  We also wanted to thank all the Parent Volunteers who have offered their time to come learn with us - THANK YOU for your time and effort =;)

Below are some pictures of some of the work we did this past week.  Please take some time to share with your family:

Science - Boats and Buoyancy - see if you can explain the experiment we did together and if you can remember which fruit can float/sink and why (WALT)?

Keeping our environment clean - community building/teamwork:

Goal Setting - working on our Math (Mad Minute Goals) and Graphing our results:

Enjoy your weekend and thank you for ALL the hard work you are doing - keep it up, Grade 2s! =;)

Mr. Engel