Friday, February 18, 2022

Week of Feb. 14 - 18, 2022

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your long weekend and thank you for continuing to work as BEST as you can on your school work and learning.  I greatly appreciate everyone who took the time to review their Report Cards in order to create their GRADE 2 LEARNING GOALS - remember what the Grade 1s said in their assembly - "IF YOU WANT TO GROW, PICK A GOAL".  With a goal in place, you are now able to focus on something you would like to improve on AND with strategies to help you reach the goal.  I am very proud of you for looking at what we can improve on and we still have lots of time to work on these - stay positive and always TRY YOUR BEST!  YOU CAN DO IT! =;)

Below are some pictures of our recent learning activities and I hope you went home with excitement and knowledge of these new topics.  You do know a lot, Grade 2s!  Believe in yourselves and you can reach for the stars!

HAVE A GREAT LONG WEEKEND AND KEEP WORKING ON YOUR RAZKIDS AND MATHLETICS.  Remember to search online for ideas for your Science Insulation Project!  Have fun and be creative - don't forget to do your WRITE-UP/2 PAGES on Homework as well!

GYM - learning how to resolve issues with each other:

SCIENCE - HOT AND COLD - Boiler Room/Furnace (how we heat our homes and school) and seeing what happens when snow melts (does it change, how does it change, etc.):

VALENTINES DAY - sharing with each other, caring for each other (AMAZING GROUP OF STUDENTS):

OLYMPICS - demonstrating our appreciation for others and supporting each other (Character Education/Health):

ICE CREAM REWARD - our class continues to wear our Monday Formal Uniforms correctly - GREAT WORK, GRADE 2 STUDENTS IN ROOM 19: