Friday, February 4, 2022

Week of Jan. 31 - Feb. 4, 2022 - "IF YOU WANT TO GROW, PICK A GOAL" - Grade 1 Assembly

Good afternoon students and families,

Thank you for your continued support in our students learning.  I greatly appreciate everyone who is working on their RazKids and Mathletics.  Each student knows which Letter Level they are on at school for READING and this is the level which they should be working on at home.  For example - if they are in Group A, they are currently working on Level "N".  Please make sure you are on the correct level and if you are unsure, please contact me and I can inform you.  Also, we are on the 7th or 8th section/TOPIC for Mathletics.   Please see the picture below and I hope you are enjoying the MATH activities they have for you.  Thank you to ALL the students who continue to do their part in their own learning - you are doing AMAZING =;)


Below are some fun and exciting pictures of the learning activities we are working on here at the school.  Please take some time to share your learning and show your family just how much YOU do know!  Keep up the GREAT work and thank you for all your effort, Grade 2 students =;)

Science - Hot and Cold - exploring temperatures around the school (collecting data and graphing) and showing comparisons with temperature:

Math - working with shapes, describing shape dimensions, and creating a pictograph (collecting data and graphing):

Health/LA/Art - Character Eduction - creating a KINDNESS poster using Transition Phrases and their own comics:

LA - Acrostic Poem using Nature (Indigenous Learning activity) - the journey of a SNOWFLAKE:

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the nice weather.  Please remember to review your REPORT CARD with your parents so you can see the amazing work you are doing and the areas to improve in.  We will create our GRADE 2 LEARNING GOALS next week, thank you.  Remember what the Grade 1s said in their Assembly today: 

Report Card Goals:
- 2 things you're doing amazing in
- 2 things you can improve on (these will be your Grade 2 goals)

Your teacher,
Mr. Engel