Friday, October 8, 2021

Week of Oct. 4 - 8, 2021

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your day off today and remember, you also have Monday off as well due to a very fun-filled and delicious holiday - THANKSGIVING DAY!  Please take the day to enjoy your family and friends and to remember how very lucky we all are here in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.  Much like we are learning about our NEEDS and WANTS for our community in Social Studies, we have much to be THANKFUL for!  I am very THANKFUL for such an amazing group of Grade 2 students and I know we will continue showing what an excellent community we are here at school.  Stay positive and remember to always believe in yourselves!  You guys ROCK! =;)

Enjoy your weekend and THANK YOU for being YOU!

Your teacher,

Mr. Engel

PS. Please remember to bring at least TWO (2) extra face masks to keep in your backpack in case one gets lost, thank you!  Stay safe everyone =;)